I'm Tim van Zanten. Born in 1998 in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
In 2017 I started studying 'Communication and multimedia design' at the HU in Utrecht, did a minor in 'Music & technology' at the HKU, and graduated in 2021. After this, I did a year of Philosophy at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. Right now I'm doing a -master's in New Media and Digital Culture at the UU.

I'm also a music producer under the alias SoundPatrol which allowed me to perform, visit new places, collaborate with other artists and meet all sorts of cool people from all over the globe. 

- My song ''CITY OF LOVE'' in collaboration with Alexander Grube (4AM), Drew Southwell (Trove) and Phatt Tran accumulated over a million streams in the first 12 months (signed on Sola, Enschway's label).
- I developed an educative card game for the study 'Social work' with two peers (Romar van Tongeren and Twinkel Achterberg) commissioned by De Canon van Nederland. This card game is in use since start-2022.
- I lived in Los Angeles for several months during the summer of 2017 to help out with the growth of a music collective founded by a group of online friends (including me) under the guidance of Kyle Fitzgibbons (Madnap). With the vision of releasing music together to get a collective fanbase. In a time span of two years, Paper Crane Collective produced and released four albums together and hosted four parties (recap).
               - I managed to keep all my plants watered & alive this year. 
               - Music is just sounds in a nice order.

Contact & more info: contact@timvanzanten.nl
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