* De Speld
Graduation project at De Speld
De Speld is the leading news platform for satire in the Netherlands. With socially relevant content, they reach millions of people every day to entertain, make them think, and get them moving.
In the past five years, they have been able to develop branded content for the biggest brands. This content also disrupts, makes joy, and keeps the reader sharp. De Speld en Partners has managed to transform satire (humor with a message) from the intention to the means. 
Now five years later, they will be using this expertise more widely for communication from companies outside their platform to deliver contemporary, entertaining, and overall impactful campaigns.
The Product 
The best copy and social acuity for impactful campaigns.
White label for De Speld / De Speld en Partners.
Satire for the masses.

De Speld en Partners is with Mark a new face in the Dutch advertising landscape. 
As an expert in the field of humor, satire, and holding up a mirror for society, they are working on communications and campaigns outside of their own platform to be as current, entertaining and deliver overall impactful campaigns to make the world a bit more fun than not better.


Mark writes the best and most bold headlines and texts, looks for the right tone and subjects, and thinks up the most original, yet very recognizable ideas to convert your message into action with the target group. Satire for the masses.
Script: Jop Eikelboom, Mathijs van Rumpt, Roos Lust, Jerome Kuijken, me
Shots & edit: De Speld, Casper Steenbergen, me
Thanks to everyone working at these cool brands for constantly providing me with information and feedback during this project! 

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